World Racing 2, the new sequel to the popular World Racing, puts fun of driving at center stage and presents a challenging racing experience featuring a revolutionary 3D landscape engine, adjustable driving characteristics, and a host of game modes. Players will discover an addictive game that is loaded with variety, which allows for an infinite number of possibilities in terms of customization and gameplay.
Organized by different countries, tracks are grouped in zones that are then divided into levels where you have to choose between the different themes such as police pursuit or highway race. In each level, you must get to the finish line before your opponents while taking part in various challenges like avoiding or hitting obstacles, or going through special gates. Each challenge is worth a specific number of points that are added up at the end of each level.
The first World Racing game was a hit, and now, with World Racing 2, the fun is back! It’s great to see that the developers of this new game put so much care into creating a racing experience that’s as fun to play as it is challenging.
After playing the first World Racing game and then having a glimpse at this sequel during my interview, I’ve noticed some really great things about World Racing 2. First, I love the 3D landscape engine. It’s easy to navigate through the terrain in a way that makes it feel like you’re actually driving in an open world. Second, I appreciate how customizable the characters are.
Some games make you choose from preset choices when it comes to customizing your character, but in World Racing 2, you can change everything from your hair color to your clothing and even your car color. It’s very exciting to have those kinds of options so you can make your character stand out from everyone else’s.