Who Saw the Men in Black

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Despite your best efforts, you may find that the Men in Black (MIB) will get you before you can really get started on your research into government cover ups of alien activity.

The MIB are not just a fun topic for Hollywood movies, but are very real and have been around for quite some time. They sometimes appear to intimidate witnesses into silence about what they saw or experienced. There also seems to be a connection to the government, although it’s not entirely clear if the MIB are part of the government or if they’re just paid by them.

There are many reports of MIB sightings and encounters with them. This article will give you a brief look at their history, which is long and varied and goes back to the beginning of the UFO cover-up in the 1940s onward.

The popular concept of Men in Black—secret government agents wearing black suits who interrogate UFO witnesses and sometimes perform physical examinations on them—goes back to the beginning of the UFO cover-up history. During World War II, a series of strange events were reported by multiple witnesses in the United States. These events were commonly referred to as the “foo fighter” incidents, and they were centered around mysterious aerial phenomena that looked like a cluster of glowing balls or sometimes spheres within a glowing aura.

A number of these incidents were witnessed by soldiers at military bases, including both Allied and Axis installations. In fact, many of the foo fighters were seen both flying alongside U.S. aircraft and pursuing them.