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Tzared is a real-time strategy game for web browsers and PC. In this game, you manage your resources and your army, taking over neutral bases and ones belonging to other players. Play online with friends!

Tzared is a web-based multiplayer strategy game for PC and web browsers where you can compete with your friends or test your skills against random players. It’s like chess, but there are many more possible moves to think about at once. Start a game by sharing the link with your Facebook friends or Google+ circles.

Tzared is a race-to-reach-X number of points game. The objective of the game is to take over different territories on the map while keeping an eye on the other players’ moves. The game board consists of a 3×3 grid, with a larger playing field in the center. Each turn, every player has to pick three territories they will attack. The first player to successfully conquer one of these territories earns points and becomes the next player to start his/her turn at the beginning of the next round. Once all players have used up their turns for that round, the game board resets and a new round begins.

Tzared is a real-time strategy game, meaning you have to make decisions quickly and adapt to the situation on the fly. That’s hard enough when you’re in front of a keyboard, but it gets really tricky when you’re in a strange place with your hands full. That’s where Tzared comes in. In this game, your only control is the ability to “pinch” to zoom out and see what’s happening in your base, or spread apart to zoom in for a closer look at your units. The “pinch” interaction is the same as the one used for zooming on mobile phones—so you can use it without thinking about it. This makes Tzared easy to play, but difficult to master.