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Trello gives you perspective over all your projects, at work and at home. Bring Trello to Windows in a dedicated workspace. The Trello Desktop App features native notifications, powerful enhancements to the Windows taskbar and more.

Trello gives you perspective over all your projects, at work and at home. The Trello Desktop App features native notifications, powerful enhancements to the board view, and much more. We rebuilt it for everyone who’s ever wanted to use Trello on Windows, from freelancers and small business owners to students and g

Trello’s mission is to give you perspective over all your projects and help you accomplish the important things in life. The Trello Desktop App helps you stay on top of your tasks by providing access to the tools you need, right when you need them.

Whether it’s a personal project or an enterprise IT initiative, Trello has a plethora of uses. As an individual, Trello makes it easy to organize anything from your next vacation to your video game collection. At work, Trello can be used as a project planning tool for creative agencies or software companies, or as a collaboration platform for marketing teams and social media managers.

With the Trello Desktop App, you can view all the cards on your boards without having to log in to the website. For example, if you’re working with a remote team, you can manage all your projects in one place instead of checking multiple accounts and communications apps.

As you move cards around on your boards or add new ones, native desktop notifications keep you up-to-date on everything that’s happening across all of your projects. And once they’re closed, completed cards are archived so that they’re easy to find when needed again in the future.