TORNADO is a game that, much like its namesake, is intense and powerful. The original member of the ruling triumvirate (the other two being TFX and F-14 Fleet Defender, also on this site), and a definite triumph of content over style. Ok boys and girls, this sim is as rich with options as it is with content. That’s not to say it isn’t pretty though. The graphics are decent, but among the best of its time (which was in the late 90’s early 2000’s).
TORNADO puts you in control of a nuclear weapons capable aircraft carrier (one of only three nations to have one at the time) and gives you a plethora of missions that vary from escorting troop transport to destroying enemy bases. In addition to this there are “sand box” missions which allow you to do what ever you want! There are multiple difficulty levels which really make the game challenging.
You can play against the AI or go online and play against real people! The hardest part is learning how to use the interface. Once you learn it though, you’ll be a pro (in about two hours). The interface does take some getting used too though, so stick with it, because once you figure it out
TORNADO represents the triumph of content over style. What he lacks in visual appeal (and he really does lack), he makes up for with a determination to be one of the best fighters around. He’s an original member of the ruling triumvirate, along with TFX and F-14 Fleet Defender, and is without a doubt one of the most fun and useful fighters I have created.