Tabletop Defense

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Defend your kitchen table from the advancing hordes in this classic tower-defense game in full 3D! PopCap Games’ Plants vs. Zombies is a beloved twist on the classic tower defense formula, and now you can take it with you wherever you go.

Defend your kitchen table from the advancing hordes in this classic tower-defense game in full 3D!

It’s a beautiful day: perfect for sitting outside on the porch with iced tea and your favorite friends. But then you notice it—the ants! That’s right: those little ants are invading your space, and they’re on their way to your beautiful kitchen table. You sense that the peaceful day you were hoping for is about to be overrun with the chaos of war. Evidently, they see that table as prime real estate, and they’ve got no qualms about sneaking into your living room to take it over.

What can they be thinking? They know there’s food back there! Do they not see that you’ve claimed this space as your own? You’ll have none of it—you’re going to stop them dead in their tracks before they can get one single red body over your threshold.

~~~~~A tower-defense game of epic proportions!~~~~~

You’ll need to think hard and use all of the tools at your disposal to prevent these bugs from reaching the table—because if you don’t, you might just find yourself sharing that tea with them instead of with your friends! A top-down strategy game with original artwork

As a parent, I think the worst thing you can do is place electronics in front of your kids and tell them not to touch it. If you want them to resist playing games, they’re going to want to play it even more. In this case, I think what they’ve done is created a game that’s educational and fun for kids as young as 10. The basic idea is that you are defending your kitchen table from the advancing hordes in this classic tower-defense game in full 3D. You get a variety of different weapons with which to fight off the enemies, so each time you play, you get a different experience depending on the types of enemies that are attacking and which weapons you have to defend yourself with. There are several different modes of play, some with boss fights, others without. It’s got great graphics and sound effects that are perfect for any kid under 12. I think parents will be impressed with what they’ve done here.