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Space Crusade is a follow-up of sorts to Gremlins underrated Hero Quest. Like its predecessor, Space Crusade is an excellent tactical turn-based wargame based on a Games Workshop boardgame, this time based on popular science fiction. In it, you take the role as commander of a team of space marines sent to investigate why communications have been cut off from a research facility on the planet Marduk.

The game follows the same basic pattern as Hero Quest, which is that each scenario consists of a series of missions in which you control a squad of marines, who are represented by small miniatures on a hexagonal grid. Each marine has their own set of attributes and inventory (armor, weapons and other gadgets) which can be upgraded over time. Unlike Hero Quest where you controlled your character’s movement individually on each turn, in Space Crusade your marines are moved around collectively as one unit. Each missions objective is to complete various tasks and objectives while staying alive and eliminating any enemies or hazards present in the map.

The combat system is very simple but works very well to simulate squad level tactics with multiple combatants. Each marine can make two types of actions: fire his weapon at an enemy within range or move up to 1 hex (unless the space he moves into

Space Crusade is a follow-up of sorts to Gremlins underrated Hero Quest. Like its predecessor, Space Crusade is an excellent tactical turn-based wargame based on a Games Workshop boardgame, this time with the Warhammer 40K universe in mind. The game is really good, with lots of character and atmosphere, but it might be hard to get into because it was never released in the US