Shark Huntress

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In this movie, a young woman set on getting revenge for her mother’s death heads into open waters to battle the plastics industry and a shark.

A young woman goes on an expedition to confront the plastics industry and a shark.

In this movie, a young woman named Eugenie Clark, also known as the Shark Huntress, is the head of her own organization in the 1970s that is dedicated to getting rid of plastics. She sets out on an expedition to hunt down and kill a great white shark with some other team members. It’s up to her to find the shark and kill it so they can get rid of it. Michael, who already has enough issues trying to hold this group together and keep his father off his back about his future plans, is also trying to get over some personal issues as he tries to move on from his ex-girlfriend. He is also trying to deal with his younger brother Jonah who is at odds with everyone in the family because he feels that he needs to protect their father from them.

So far Michael has been able to hold everything together just by keeping everyone focused on their mission but all that changes when Jonah decides he wants to go out for a night swim with a girl he met and Michael gets stuck babysitting him. When Jonah doesn’t return from swimming Michael knows something must have happened so he goes out after him only to discover that Jonah was killed by