Royal Defense

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Orbiting an island somewhere in the Pacific are a series of small islands, populated by villagers and their families. The main source of income for these villagers is the fish that inhabit their waters, but disaster strikes when a tsunami destroys many of their homes, boats, and stores. In response to the recent tragedy, the King put out a decree: construct new buildings to protect the villagers from future harm!

While this can be done in the game “Royal Envoy”, it’s not something most of us have to worry about. Yet, as developers constantly try to outdo one another with increasingly powerful disasters, it’s more likely than ever that we will someday have to deal with these kinds of situations. It’s time to practice!

The developer of Royal Envoy went through great lengths to make sure that you can solve every problem with your wits and a variety of different buildings. For example, if you want to build a bridge over some water, you’re given three different bridge-building materials (stone blocks, wood logs, and rope) and four different bridge designs (two levels of arches and two straight spans). This means that there are 34 different combinations for building bridges alone! And if you’ve heard about the dangers of fires in wooden buildings or the

The Islanders are a hardy bunch. Centuries of taking the brunt of the weather and other natural disasters have made them tough. In Royal Envoy, their island home in the kingdom of Islandshire has been hit by disaster after disaster, but they’ve managed to overcome each one with grit and determination.