Robot Talk

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Robot Talk is a Text to Speech application for the Xbox One. This enables users to assign text to speech and listen to audio files.

Robot Talk is a Text to Speech application. It can be used to read a text aloud, or you can have it speak any text you type into the app. There are many settings that can be adjusted to change how the app sounds and behaves.

Robot Talk is a Text-to-Speech application for the Xbox 360. This means that instead of typing out messages to people, you can read it aloud to them. With the press of a button, you can choose any installed language and have your Xbox’s voice speak it out loud. The most common benefit of this application is to help those who are hearing impaired and can’t hear their friends while they are gaming. It might also come in handy if you’re in a noisy area, or just want to be able to type out messages without having to talk out loud.

The downside of this application is that it only works through the native messaging system on Xbox Live. This means that you won’t be able to send messages through third party programs like MSN, Skype, or Yahoo Messenger. Many users have also reported issues with microphone problems after using this application, though this doesn’t seem to afflict everyone. Another common complaint is that generally the speech isn’t very clear or understandable. However, the developers are constantly updating the application so these issues may soon be resolved.