Robo Code

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Robo Code is an interactive coding platform designed to help children learn how to code in a fun and
engaging way. It uses game-like elements such as puzzles, challenges, and rewards to teach kids the
basics of programming. The program teaches basic concepts such as conditionals, loops, variables,
functions, and more through colorful visual blocks that can be easily moved around on the screen.
Kids are then able to test their programs by running them against virtual robots or other players
online. Robo Code also offers tutorials for more advanced topics like artificial intelligence and
robotics engineering.

You go through the steps needed to build your own robot. Step 1: Gather all of the necessary
components for building a Robo Wunderkind Explorer set. This includes two motors, four wheel
modules, one mainboard, and eight blocks with various sensors. Step 2: Download the app on your
mobile device and connect it to your robot’s mainboard using Bluetooth technology. Once connected,
use the intuitive drag-and-drop interface to program your bot with custom commands and behaviors.
Step 3: After programming your bot, it’s time for play! Use the app or physical controls to direct
your robot around obstacles or have it perform simple tasks like moving objects from one place to
another. With each successful command given by you or programmed into its system, watch as your
bot comes alive!