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Registry search tools have been around since the introduction of the Windows Registry in NT 4.0. In fact, there are many registry search tools available. RegScanner is one of my favorites because it enables you to full-text search your registry for specific keywords contained in registry keys and/or values.

RegScanner is a free, portable tool for Windows that enables you to perform full-text searches of your registry for specific keywords contained in registry keys and/or values, then export the results to a .csv file.

The tool’s main interface has two text boxes where you can enter your search term into. The first one is for the registry key containing the information you’re looking for, and the second is for the value or values within that key. You can also type in additional search terms to further narrow down your results.

In addition to enabling you to scan the entire registry or just specific locations within it, RegScanner allows you to specify whether you want to scan all subkeys under a given root key or just one of them. It also lets you specify which data types should be returned by your search, such as REG_SZ (for strings), REG_EXPAND_SZ (for variables), etc. In addition, it enables you to choose exactly which subkeys should be searched. The options here are “All Subkeys,” “Current Subkey,” “All Subkeys Below Current,” and “One Level Below Current.”

This tool’s biggest strengths are its speed and reliability. RegScanner is a useful program that enables you to search your registry for specific keywords contained in registry keys and/or values. It also allows you to export the result of the search to a text file. I frequently use RegScanner when I’m trying to find a particular value, and it allows me to do so quickly and efficiently by searching my registry based on the value’s name. I can even save the results of my search and open them again later if I need to.