Red Eye Corrector & Remover AI 4+

Red eyes still happens these days and it is annoying, even with latest phone models. The red color reflects the color of blood vessels in our retina.
A long time ago, a photographer would use flash lights to make the subject’s eyes look whiter and brighter. Nowadays, those flashes are built into cell phones and other devices. However, the light beams still cause the same effect as before – red eye. Red eyes are caused by the light of a camera flash which reflects off the retina.
This occurs because the light from the flash is strongly reflected by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) below the photoreceptor cells of the retina, producing a red color since it is reflecting on blood vessels.
Red eye can be easily removed via software or apps on your computer or phone. Some cameras come with built-in software that will automatically remove red eyes in your images. There are also many programs that you can download online for free that will do the job for you as well.
Red eyes reflect the color of blood vessels in our retina, which is why it can happen to anyone and any kind of photos taken. Even with latest phone models, this problem still happens and it is annoying. After a long day of work, coming home to a photo slideshow on your computer is probably one of the best feelings ever.
It allows us to relive the memories and feel that time loop happening again and again. But sometimes we forget that a lot of people are visual and they will be judging our life based on what they see in those photos. This includes your family members, friends and even future employers.