Pinterest has become a go-to source for creative ideas, and it’s easy to see why: the site features beautiful home design concepts, delicious recipes, inspiring fashion & fitness tips, and so much more.
In fact, Pinterest is now the third most popular social media site after Facebook and Twitter!
The site was founded in 2009 by Ben Silbermann (CEO) and Paul Sciarra (CTO) as a way to organize personal collections of inspirational photos. Since then, it has grown exponentially to include over 100 million users worldwide.
To date, users have uploaded over 30 billion photos to Pinterest. That’s about two times the number of all the photos on Facebook.
If you’re not on Pinterest yet but have been thinking about joining it, you might be wondering what exactly the site is. The best way to describe Pinterest might be a visual scrapbook or a virtual pinboard. Users create their own personal pinboards on which they upload images that they find online or take with their smartphones. These images can come from anywhere – hundreds of thousands of websites, blogs and other sources – including your own blog!
Unlike many social media sites that are meant to be interactive and allow people to comment on each others’
It’s been a long time since something new has come along and changed the way we do things. But that’s exactly what Pinterest is doing, and it’s happening at a breakneck pace. It’s a visual bookmarking site, but with a social twist. You can upload photos, find ideas and share those ideas with your friends in the form of “pins.” Anyone can follow any board and be inspired by someone else’s opinions.