One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed

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According to records, less than a thirtieth part of the time of man in general is consumed in productive pursuits; and yet some people toil diligently three-fifths of their time, and receive only a scanty livelihood.

The average American spends about 30% of his or her time in productive activities. However, less than 1/30th of the population is truly wealthy (those with accumulated property and savings). How can this be? What if I told you that there was a way to double your productivity by cutting your work time in half?

And, not only that, but these methods are simple enough for anyone to do. In fact, they’ve been proven time and time again to work. Even if you’re skeptical, give them a try—I think you’ll find that they work. Now please allow me to share with you the secrets of wise and rich men revealed.

This book is as frugal as it is entertaining. It contains one thousand secrets of wise and rich men, ten of which are revealed on each of the one hundred pages. It has a timeless appeal, as there’s a secret for every type of situation you might find yourself in. And it’s very affordable, at only $1 per secret.

Recent studies have shown that as people age, they become less active and less likely to do the things they enjoy. However, according to new research by Dr. Richard Clarke of Johns Hopkins University, keeping yourself busy and active is the key to a longer, happier life—even if you are older.