Number Mazes: Rikudo Puzzles 4+

Rikudo is a logic puzzle. The goal is to find a path of consecutive numbers in a honeycomb grid with hexagonal cells. Each puzzle is a number maze with a unique solution.
Rikudo is a logic puzzle because it requires you to think about your moves as you solve it. You can’t just fill in every possible number, you have to make sure every cell has only one expected value and that the numbers you choose follow sequentially from one another. Some puzzles even require backtracking! This might sound easy enough, but for each type of puzzle, Rikudo uses different rules that change how the game works. There are puzzles with unique solutions and puzzles without, some where diagonal movements are allowed and some where they aren’t, and some that start off easy and get hard near the end.
There are currently four main types of Rikudo puzzles:
Rikudo is a logic puzzle. The goal is to find a path of consecutive numbers in a honeycomb grid with hexagonal cells. Each puzzle is a number maze with a unique solution.
Rikudo is a logic puzzle. The goal is to find a path of consecutive numbers in a honeycomb grid with hexagonal cells. Each puzzle is a number maze with a unique solution. Rikudohas a unique solution and is an exercise in logic.
Rikudo is a logic puzzle that was invented in Japan sometime around the turn of the twentieth century. The goal is to find a path of consecutive numbers in a honeycomb grid with hexagonal cells. The path must start at one of the outermost cells and end at the center, called the “home” cell; it’s like a maze, but there’s no dead-end and you must always follow the arrows. Each puzzle has only one unique solution, even though there are often multiple paths you can take.