Nowhere to Hide

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The winter hike is meant to bring their nature group together.

The winter hike has become an annual tradition for the nature group of friends, and they plan to continue the new year. But while they are in the woods, a killer is on the loose. They learn that a woman had gone missing and then turns up dead. Now, they’re on a mission to solve this mystery before it’s too late.

The author, Michael Zadoorian, does a great job of creating suspense throughout the entire novel. His style of writing makes it impossible for you to put the book down because you always want to know what happens next. The way he ties everything together in the end is awesome and leaves readers with a sense of closure. It is one of those books that can be read over and over again without losing its appeal.

This book has all the essentials needed to become one of those timeless classic books that people will read over and over again: suspense, mystery, romance, and even some unexpected twists at the end.

It’s so well written that it seems as though he experienced everything he wrote about first hand! Definitely worth reading!!

When I was a kid, my family used to take the same winter hike every year. It was just the five of us, and while it was always a little awkward, it was a special time to connect and spend a few hours outside.

I think that’s why I was so excited when I found out that my friend Alissa had inherited her grandfather’s nature group: an informal club of people who would meet each week to go on hikes together. But one of these hikes turns into something completely different—with seven friends turning up dead, and no signs of their killer.