NFT Arbitrage

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The Cryptocollectibles space has been growing rapidly in the past few years, and major collections are springing up all over the world. Those collectors need to have the best information on their collections, and it’s hard to get reliable information right now. What if there was a way for collectors to get information about their collections at every step of the way? What if that way was blockchain-sourced information from an independent research platform?

Remme Research is creating a blockchain-sourced independent data analytics platform for NFTs. The platform will collect data from all over the web, including individual blockchain addresses and websites about specific NFTs, and then create analytics reports based on that data. This means that Remme can provide fresh data on what’s happening in the NFT space at any given time. It also means that collectors can keep a close eye on their collections and other major NFT collections in order to make better determinations about how they want to collect, trade, or sell their items.

Though collecting NFTs can be a fun and rewarding hobby, the information available on the market isn’t always the easiest to access or understand. For those who are especially enthusiastic about their collections and have invested significant time and money into building them, they may be interested in understanding their items’ market values better than what is offered on public marketplace websites. The lack of detailed information available for trading across non-fungible token (NFT) markets has created a space for independent research services to flourish. These third-party platforms evaluate individual items based on several factors to determine their worth, which can help traders gain insight into the value of specific items in their collections that are difficult to determine through public-facing data sources.