My Project

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My Project is a web app that will help you manage your projects in a simple professional way. Its main features are: – A dashboard with a list of all your active projects – The details of each project – An overview of the activities you did – A calendar with all the activities of the project

We all have lots of projects in our lives, whether they’re professional or personal. Keeping track of them can be daunting. When I started working on this app, I was finding it hard to manage my projects. I knew there had to be a better way to manage them than just using an Excel sheet, which is what most people do now.

I began by thinking of how this app would be different from other apps that could handle projects. It would need to work on the phone and on the computer (for those who want or need that). It would need to be easy to use, but also professional looking so people would take it seriously. It would need to allow for multiple projects with varying levels of detail for each project.

Think about your own list of projects—there’s a project for new shoes (size 10 blue canvas sneakers), your book idea (novel titled “Gone with the Wind”), and your screenplay (a murder mystery called “Death of a Salesman”). And the list goes on and on.

My Project helps eliminate the problem of juggling multiple lists by using a simple organizing principle: Projects that are related go together. So you can have an entire list of things related to one project (like all the things related to buying shoes