Montessori abc 123 baby games

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We first did research on kids learning behaviour. We asked parenst whether they give gadgets to their kids. 80% of the parents replied in positive, so if kids are using using electronic gadgets anyway we decided to find a way to make it
more effective, anyway when they are 2-3 years old, then why not use that time to teach them how to use it in an effective way?

In a friendly tone: We’ve been researching the best ways to help kids learn through play. We were surprised to find that 80% of parents give their kids gadgets (cell phones, tablets, video games, etc.) for fun. That’s great news, because we’re going to make a game to teach your child the alphabet!

We know you might be worried about the time commitment, but we promise you won’t have to spend hours teaching your child ABCs. You can have a whole new world of learning in just 15 minutes a day! If you read the blog, we’ll even throw in some Montessori activities for free!

When parents give their kids iPads and iPhones to keep them occupied, it can be a difficult job to get them to stop. Many parents have tried to find ways to bring their kids’ attention back to the physical world, citing concerns about the negative effects of excessive screen time. A Montessori-inspired ABC 123 app for iPhone provides the perfect solution for parents who want to create a healthy balance between electronic and non-electronic playtime for their children.