Miracle Morning

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What if you could change any aspect of your life, just by changing the way you start your day consistently for 30 days? What would you change? The Miracle Morning has already sold over 3,000,000+ copies and has been trending on Amazon for over a year—it’s clearly something that people want to try. To get the most out of it, you’ll want to invest in the book and video package because it explains how to set up a morning routine to suit your personality type. Even without this step-by-step manual, however, you can use the information presented in the book to configure a custom routine that fits you.

The main takeaway from this book is that there are two kinds of people: those who wake up with energy, who look forward to their day and who get more done while they’re active than they do while they sleep, and those who wake up feeling tired and groggy and spend their mornings dragging themselves through their tasks until noon. That second group would probably benefit most from reading The Miracle Morning; after all, who wants to spend the majority of their day feeling like they’re not at their most productive? Those who already wake up energized don’t necessarily need this book, but they might benefit from reading it just out of curiosity

I’ve been using the Miracle Morning for about 2 weeks now, and it’s amazing. If you don’t know what that is, in short, it’s a 30-day morning ritual to help you start your day with a success mindset. It claims to be able to change any aspect of your life by changing the way you start your day. I’m not sure I completely believe that, but it has already changed my life in several ways, and I’m only 2 weeks into it.