Magnetic Adventure

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Gravity is a casual puzzle game that will have you flipping, rotating and sliding objects through 50 stages of increasing difficulty. In this game, using a small magnet, solve 50 physics-based puzzles that will stretch your gray matter in ways you never imagined. You’ll find yourself tumbling down a hill of blocks after getting pulverized by a boulder or rocketing off into space after getting caught in an accidental explosion. Use the magnets to maneuver objects around each stage and find the best way to get to the next level.

You’re going to need a lot more than a magnet to figure out these puzzles. The team behind the game (which won several awards) has dreamed up more than 50 mind-bending physics-based puzzles, each of which uses the magnetic force and gravity to create seemingly impossible situations. Take, for instance, the first level. You see a white cube suspended above a blue surface. If you tilt your phone just so, the cube will fall into the hole below. But how? It seems impossible—the only thing in your way is air!

It’s easiest to describe what’s happening by breaking down the puzzle into smaller pieces. The blue surface is made of an extremely strong magnet, which attracts the white cube, preventing it from falling through. However, by tilting your phone left and right, you can move the cube from its position above the magnet to one of two places: just above or just below it. When the magnet is drawing upward on the cube and gravity is drawing downward on it, if you place it just above the magnet’s field of influence, they will cancel each other out—giving you nothing but air in your way as you try to drop that cube through that hole.