Level Up Numbers 12+

Do you like numbers? Even if you don’t like it, you will definitely love it after playing this game. Your goal is to reach the largest number using math operations.
Do you like numbers? Even if you don’t like it, you will definitely love it after playing this game. Your goal is to reach the largest number using math operations. You can freely choose anything from simple addition and subtraction to complicated multiplication and division. The higher level you get, the harder the operations will be. Lets play!!!
Have you ever wanted to play a game that makes you use your brain? Then you still have not found the right game. The name of this game is Level Up Numbers 12+ and it will make you think and calculate. You will use math operations to increase the numbers. The goal is to reach the biggest number possible. This can be done by using addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and even exponents. When you succeed in reaching a larger number than before, you will feel excited and happy while seeing the number on the screen. You must not forget that there are some rules that must be taken into account when calculating: -You must not divide by 0 -You can only use two operations for each calculation, one for each number (for example, 2×4=8) -You can use multiple consecutive operations on the same number (for example, 9-3=-6)
When you are a kid, you love playing with numbers. You count everything and anything you know that can be counted – the stars in the night sky, the steps until you reach your house, the number of people eating lunch with you in the classroom. As you grow up, though, the fascination with numbers tends to fade away (or rather turn into an obsession with spreadsheets). But never fear – there is a game that can make even adults appreciate mathematics.