Last Strike

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Benson Bricks Ricks is a two-time felon and he knows what hes doing. He has no idea how he ended up in this situation, but now that hes there, hes making the most of it. Hes giving back to the community, mentoring a kid named Jason Manford who was caught with drugs on his last strike before imprisonment.

Bensons mentor will act as his parole officer for the next three years. If Benson can prove that hes changed, and keep Jason from going down the wrong path again, then maybe he wont get locked up again.

-Jason has had a rough life and is having trouble staying out of trouble

-He was caught with drugs on his last strike

-The judge gave him the opportunity to change his life by having Benson act as his mentor

Benson Bricks Ricks is on his last strike. The judge has given him a choice: he can mentor a kid named Roderick, or he can go to jail for 20 years. Benson only knows one thing about Roderick: that he’s a bad kid with a temper. He doesn’t take the job at first, but then he realizes that there’s not much time left to turn that kid around, and if he doesn’t do it now, he’ll have to sit in jail for the next 20 years.

He goes to Roderick’s house, and the two of them get to work. Roderick spends his time playing video games and making prank phone calls. Benson tells him that if he wants to learn anything, they’re going outside to throw some footballs around. They go out back and get started. Benson tells Roderick that they’re not just throwing passes at each other; they’re also learning something important.

The two of them try out different types of throws: lobs, mid-range passes, deep balls, etc. Benson realizes that the more successful passes are ones where the quarterback throws the ball high enough so that it’ll fall right into his receivers’ hands instead of having them jump up and try to catch it above their