Journey Of Greed 12+

Sail the high seas long enough, and you might just find yourself without friends. How could having no friends be fun? Batten down the hatches and I’ll explain… As a pirate, sailor, or what have you, you’ll be constantly surrounded by your crewmates. They’re your family, and if you’re lucky (and not too unlucky), they’ve got your back in a fight.
Close quarters are a pirate’s natural habitat. Picture this: You wake up in your cabin on a ship with a handful of other scallywags. You have to get ready to go out and pillage some booty while the rest of your fellow pirates are still sleeping or getting ready for the day like any other crew would. First, you’ve gotta pull on your boots—and if any of the mates are snoring too loudly to let you get a good night’s sleep, it’s fair game to give them a swift kick in the shin or toss an empty rum bottle under their hammock. After that, it’s time to strap on your cutlass and head out onto the deck for some exercise—or what passes for exercise on a pirate ship. Pirates don’t lift weights or run laps; they’re more likely to swing from one side of
Sail the high seas long enough, and you might just find yourself without friends. How could having no friends be fun? Batten down the hatches and I’ll explain… As a pirate, sailor, or whatever, it’s easy to get so immersed in your work that you forget what you’re doing it for. When you find yourself without a closet companion, though, you can refocus on why you chose this lifestyle in the first place: the freedom to go where you want when you want and the adventure of trying new things. A sailor without friends is all of that and more – the perfect time to catch more waves than ever before!