Global Strike

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Global Strike is an awesome fast-paced FPS with a variety of game modes to choose from. There are a lot of options for players, which is great because it means you can play the way you like. There are five different maps, each with their own special features. You can play alone or with friends, and you can even customize your character by picking from a wide range of skins that have different looks and abilities. There’s a lot of room for creativity, too—there are many different weapons and modifications to choose from, so you can experiment with different combinations to find the set-up that suits you best. The controls are easy to learn but hard to master: the mechanics offer a lot of depth without being overly complicated.

That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of ways to practice and improve your skills—the game matches players based on how they’re doing so if you’re losing a lot at first you’ll be matched up against those who are doing better than you. This makes sure everyone is having fun and gives everyone a chance to learn so they can get better at the game as they go along. Overall Global Strike is really fun, especially if you like first person shooters. You’ll feel like an action hero as you blast your way through multiple enemy

Global Strike is an awesome fast-paced FPS with a variety of game modes to choose from. Global Strike is a free-to-play multiplayer shooter game, developed by the independent studio Game Machine Studios and available on Steam, that has a little something for everyone. Though I have only played the game for a few weeks, I’ve already seen all sorts of players come in and out, and the community seems to be pretty active. I have enjoyed my time playing this game, so I wanted to share my experiences with you!