Focal – Tasks in Focus

Focal is a new way to manage your tasks. Using Focal, you can more easily organize and prioritize your tasks. Focal uses feedback from the web and from other users to help you focus on what’s important, so you can do your best work and achieve your goals.
Tasks In Focus
With Focal, you can see your tasks at a glance in the sidebar of any website. You can even drag and drop them into place, without leaving the page you’re working on!** This makes it easy to get started right away—no need to log into another site or program. Plus, since Focal is available anywhere you go online, it’s easy to stay on top of things even when you’re not sitting in front of a computer!
Focal Prioritizes Your Tasks
As you complete tasks, Focal will automatically reorder them for you based on priority. A task that’s been completed is pushed down while one that’s still outstanding moves up. Overall, this means that your most essential tasks are easier to see, while less important ones fade into the background.** When your schedule allows time for it, complete larger or more complex tasks and watch them rise higher in the list!
Feedback From The Web And
The faster you can get from idea to task to done, the better. In Focal, tasks are added as quickly as you can type them. Focal’s Instantaneous Workflow makes things happen with speed and efficiency.
Focal’s design is simple and intuitive—you can jump into a task immediately without needing to learn the app first. With minimal effort, you can get tasks out of your head and onto the screen in front of you.
Have you ever found yourself with a to-do list that’s so long, it’s paralyzing? You start working on one task, but you’re distracted by another that you can’t seem to shake. You keep wanting to check off two or three more tasks, but then you realize you’ve only gotten through one and the rest are still there staring at you. It’s a vicious cycle that never ends.
To-do lists have been around forever and will always be a useful tool for helping us get organized and keep ourselves accountable. But if your current system isn’t helping you be productive, maybe it’s time for something new. That’s where Focal comes in.
Focal is an innovative way of keeping your tasks front and center in your day-to-day life, bringing you closer to actually getting them done and becoming more productive overall. Set your own priorities for what needs to get done now, later, or Someday/Maybe, and then work on getting through them one by one with the help of Focal’s simple navigation tools. Rather than creating endless lists that only lead to procrastination and overwhelm, Focal helps you focus on accomplishing the task at hand—and nothing else!
The app is free to download on
There are a lot of tools that help us stay on top of our to-do lists, but Focal is the first one that lets us keep our tasks in focus.
When you’re working on a project, you might have a list of tasks that need to be completed. Some of these tasks are very important, some aren’t quite as urgent, and some aren’t quite as relevant anymore. With Focal, you can organize your tasks in order of priority so that you can focus on the most important ones first. There are two ways to use Focal: (1) Enter tasks one by one via the “add task” interface or (2) Import tasks from an existing external project management application.
After you’ve entered all your tasks into Focal, you’ll be able to see them all listed in the app’s main window. Your highest priority items will be placed at the top of the list; lower priority items will be arranged beneath them. You can then sort your list by any of the columns in order to more easily find what you’re looking for.