Flying Bean

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With this app, fly with a Bean, feel the excitement and speed. Inside the app you will be able to design your own aircrafts and even make the controls!

It’s hard to find a thrill in the life of a software engineer, especially if you live in a city that doesn’t have hot air balloons. You can close your eyes and imagine the excitement and speed, but it will never feel the same.

The thrill of flying with a hot air balloon is almost impossible to match, but thanks to this app created by Flight By Bean, you can now experience it from the comfort of your own home.

The app is simple to use while still offering a high level of sophistication. All you need to do is point your phone at the sky and open up the app. The rest of the instructions will be given to you via text on your screen.

In a friendly tone: Fly with a Bean is a new app by artist Michael Murphy. It turns your iPhone into a sensor that connects to the internet. You can fly around while on google earth. The speed and height of your flight are controlled by your breathing.

It’s so cool!

With the Bean Flyer app, you can control the wing flaps of a fly! The app has 3 modes. In “easy mode”, the app will move your wings automatically. In “medium mode”, you can set the speed and power of your flaps. In “hard mode”, you control all 4 wing flaps with your fingers.