Field Medicine

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Your brothers-in-arms are wounded and lie in no mans land, waiting for your rescue! Get out of the trench and save the lives of your comrades! Be careful – bullets and shells dont care who they take. But you can save them with the medic kit that is in your backpack! Equip it and drag the wounded ones to safety.

In a friendly tone: Your brothers-in-arms are wounded and lie in no mans land, waiting for your rescue! Get out of the trench and save the lives of your comrades! Be careful – bullets and shells dont care who they take.

Carry them back to safety one by one, dodging bullets and seeking cover from enemy snipers with your trusty rifle.

You and your fellow soldiers are dug in and waiting for your enemy to make the next move. The wind picks up and you can hear the thundering of tanks rolling towards you. You prepare your grenades, machine gun, bayonet, combat knife and rifle. You know that you will have to charge into no man’s land to save the lives of your wounded comrades who are trapped in the trenches. You might not survive, but you are their only hope of survival! Get out of the trench and save the lives of your comrades! Be careful – bullets and shells don’t care who they take!

No Man’s Land, waiting for rescue. As you struggle to remain conscious, you see the enemy from their trenches, eyeing you with glee as they prepare to fire their weapons at you. You can’t move. You can’t run. All you can do is wait for the inevitable.