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One of the most tedious things about working on a computer is copying, moving or deleting files. Not only do you have to find the files you want to change, but you also have to open up a bunch of different windows, then go back and forth between them to select the files and destination paths. And if you’re dealing with a lot of files, it can take a long time for Windows to copy them all.

And there’s an even easier way than that! FastCopy is an application that streamlines those processes by letting you copy multiple files at once, move them in bulk or delete them in bulk. It’s faster and easier than using Windows Explorer (the default file manager in Windows), and it offers more options than some other applications, such as FreeFileSync.

FastCopy was designed with ease of use in mind—it’s straightforward and intuitive to use. Just choose which folders you want, choose your actions (copy, move or delete) and click Copy Now or Move Now. The tool will then create all the necessary temporary directories and subdirectories so that when it copies or moves the files, they’ll land in their proper places with no hassle on your behalf. It’s also able to handle large numbers of files quickly—it doesn’t

When you have a ton of files that you need to copy, move or delete, it can take forever. There are various ways of speeding up this process—some involve using the command line and others require downloading extra software—but they all take time to learn and master. FastCopy is a simple program that streamlines this process. It’s incredibly easy to use: choose your source folder and the destination folder, and then press enter. That’s it. The program intelligently handles all the rest. It automatically analyzes each file you’re moving so it can determine if the source file should be backed up before deletion, if an existing file in the destination should be overwritten or if a new file should be created in the destination with no changes made to the original file. It also intelligently handles renaming as well as pausing for inactivity so you can get back to what you were doing while it does its thing in the background. We’ve used it for everything from moving thousands of pictures from one computer to another to copying an entire website from our local drive to our server, and we’ve never had a single corrupted file or broken backup come out of it. It’s simplified our lives and allowed us to free up more time for all those other enjoyable tasks