EditPad Lite

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EditPad Lite is a tabbed text editor that can replace the standard Windows Notepad. It’s free and it’s one of my favorite text editors. It’s a great substitute for Notepad because it has a lot more features than the standard Windows editor.

One of the best features is that EditPad Lite is able to open multiple files at once and display them side by side. This feature comes in handy when you are working on several documents for whatever reason, such as blogging about a subject or writing an article for work. With this feature, you can easily see all your work laid out so you don’t have to constantly switch back and forth between files and scroll through pages in order to find what you are looking for.

Another great feature of EditPad is its ability to create templates that you can use whenever you are creating new files. If you write consistently on certain topics with the same format, then templates are perfect for saving time and preventing frustration from having to constantly recreate the same document every time.

Words can’t describe how much I love this application!

EditPad Lite is a tabbed text editor that can replace the standard Windows Notepad.

Any time you use Windows to edit plain text, like when you’re making a quick fix to your HTML file or writing a Python script, you’re probably using Notepad. And any time you use it, you’re probably wishing for something better. EditPad Lite is a free tabbed text editor that offers so much more than Notepad—tabs, cross-platform compatibility, syntax highlighting, automatic backups, and much more—but still remains easy to use.