Digital Defence

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As the world takes on a step towards a digital age, a new dimension is born and the ancient civilization strikes fast to capture and colonize this free dimension. With the discovery of this realm they are able to harness its power and make it their own. They do not know of any other civilizations in this realm but have seen that there are many different species living here. The great leaders of this ancient civilization have decided that since they are the strongest race in this new found land, they must begin an era of expansion and conquest. They begin their search for other races, so that they may conquer them, assimilate them or enslave them. As the ancient civilization begins their search they find that there are many different kinds of creatures in this land and some of them even seem to be more powerful than themselves.

But none seem as strong as the ones from their own world. These creatures from another world have powers that make them extremely fearsome foes. They have also been able to create portals back to their own dimensions which allows for quick transportation across great distances and also supplies easy access for reinforcements if needed. At first it seemed like these creatures were at a disadvantage because of all the portals being open but quickly realized that it was an advantage because they could travel through all of them to get

As the world takes on a step towards a digital age, a new dimension is born and the ancient civilization strikes fast to capture and colonize this free dimension. The ancient civilization’s fleet of battleships and cruisers were ready for battle and set out to conquest.