DETROIT is a logical follow-up of Impressions excellent airline industry sim Air Bucks. This time, the year is 1908, and you are the President of an upstart car company. You will build and design your own cars, hire employees, buy materials, and sell your cars to customers. In addition to making money from the sale of your cars, you will also get commissions from sales made by your salesmen.
Detroit takes place over seven years (1908-1914) in three distinct time periods: Early Years (1908-1911), Middle Years (1912-1914), and Late Years (1913-1914). In each year, you start with limited cash and must plan ahead to both stay in business and grow your customer base. There is no onscreen tutorial; Detroit assumes that players who enjoy this type of game have played similar ones before (such as Impressions previous title Air Bucks).
There are two general ways to make money in Detroit: selling cars or selling commissions. Your goal is to earn $100 million in seven years; some years are easier than others because of events that take place in them (like the building of new bridges), but none of them are impossible if you play carefully
Detroit is a logical follow-up of Impressions excellent airline industry sim Air Bucks. This time, the year is 1908, and you are the President of an upstart car company. You will build and design your cars, hire workers for your factories and assembly lines, arrange for supplies to arrive at your factories, negotiate with your suppliers and distributors, and even design logos for each of your vehicles. While you are doing all this, you must also make sure that you keep your customers happy by delivering good cars on time at a fair price.