Deadly Stars

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**Insane space shooter with twisted missions and cool weapons.**

You know how you’re always looking for new games to play? And then, when you find a good one, you play it over and over because the gameplay is so fun that you can’t stop? If you’re like me, that game is called Futile.

What’s so special about Futile? Well, it’s a game where you fly around in space and shoot aliens. But…that doesn’t really capture the awesomeness. What Futile is really about is shooting aliens with different types of guns in order to accomplish various objectives. And here’s where it gets interesting: the objectives are all weird, twisted things like “sacrifice your left arm to kill all enemies” or “defeat enemy fighter by destroying own ship”. The normal rules of gameplay don’t apply anymore; this is an insane twist on a classic genre. At first I was skeptical, but then I read a blog post from the developer explaining this whole thing (with some pretty funny commentary) and I was hooked. I just had to try it out for myself!

Think you’ve played every space shooter out there? Think again.

This game is one of the craziest, fastest-paced space shooters I’ve ever seen. It has a twisted story line and tons of enemies that are different from each other and have unique abilities. The missions are even different every time you play; they’re not just a bunch of levels with only minor differences between them.

When you first start playing, you get to choose your ship, which has its own unique abilities and attributes. You can upgrade your ship as well as choose new weapons, but unlike other games, these upgrades are allowed only after completing missions, so you feel like you’re progressing through the story. In addition, you can upgrade other systems on the ship—something that’s never been done in a space shooter before!