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Taking care of people on the board and becoming a leader of the resistance against aliens is a great way to become popular, build alliances, and have fun playing games. It also gives you more control over who wins.

Do you want to be a leader of the resistance against aliens? The Resistance is looking for people who are responsible and reliable. We believe that new recruits should be able to complete their missions without much supervision.


How to apply:

You must have a history of supporting the human race by doing a good job at your job, getting good grades in school, and voting for the right candidates. All applicants must take the following test:

1) You must correctly answer questions about recent events happening in the news.

Is it true or false that:

-Obama was born in Kenya.

-An asteroid will hit Earth on Sep 28th 2012.

-People who have not completed high school cannot get a job without going to college.

-It is legal for employers to save money by hiring illegal immigrants instead of citizens.


You will be notified if you qualify (it’s very easy). In addition an interview may be scheduled in the future if we need you for further testing. As part of the interview process you will be asked to take part in some hands on activities such as picking up trash on public grounds and recycling used materials that cannot be recycled into something useful again (such as plastic bottles into plastic bags

Humanity has always been a violent and competitive species. But now, as the rest of the galaxy has caught up with us in terms of technology and organization, it’s time to take our rightful place as the rulers of the universe! To achieve this goal, we need to learn how to collaborate with each other, while also keeping an eye on our competition.