Countdown to Disclosure: The Secret Technology Behind the Space Force

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The UFO phenomenon has been subject to extensive study by the U.S. government for decades, and now, finally, the Pentagon has admitted that unidentified flying objects are real. While this may seem like a relief to many who have spent years researching UFOs—including emergency-room doctor and ufologist Dr. John Alexander—it’s only a small step forward in humanity’s knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence.

The film Countdown to Disclosure: The UFO Secret is a deeply researched documentary that delves into the many secrets about UFOs the government has kept from us, as well as why it’s so important for them to do so. The film features a wide array of experts, including retired high-ranking military officers who confirm that UFOs are real and that they’ve witnessed them themselves—and even interacted with their occupants.

Despite this acknowledgement, some aspects of the film are disappointing: It relies heavily on interviews with a few sources who were not in positions of authority during the most significant eras of UFO research and disinformation, such as Bill Clinton’s White House administration and even Barack Obama’s presidential campaign trail; it also fails to recognize or address how these two administrations clearly furthered the cover up by lying about their knowledge of extraterrestrials while simultaneously promising to share what they knew

Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Disclosure Project has been on a quest to reveal the truth about UFOs, extraterrestrials and classified energy technologies for decades. His most recent film, “Countdown to Disclosure”, focuses on the Pentagon’s acknowledgment of UFOs and the existence of an official program that has been investigating them for years.