ClockWise App

Looking for an easy way to submit hours? Clockwise is a Windows app that can be used to access your clockwise account from anywhere. It’s got a simple interface, and it’s free to use. To get started, you’ll need a clockwise account and a computer running Windows 7 or higher. Then follow the instructions below.
To use ClockWise App, you need to have a ClockWise account. To create an account, go to the Clockwise website. Once you have an account, download the app from the App Store. Visit this page on your computer and enter your user name and password. Check the box for “I agree to the ClockWise Privacy Policy,” then click “Sign in with”. A new icon will appear on your desktop. You can now write hours from anywhere—just open up ClockWise App and log in!
ClockWise is an online time-tracking application that allows users to log hours from any location. This app allows users to access their Clockwise accounts on the go.
I’m going to take you through the steps involved in setting up your own Clockwise account, and then we’ll cover the basics of how to use it.
First, go to in a web browser and click Sign Up. The signup process is straightforward, but here are the important things you need to know about creating an account:
-You can choose whether or not to connect your account with Facebook if you have one, but at this time Clockwise cannot be used without a Facebook account.
-You will be asked to add devices (e.g., your phone, tablet) that will be used to access the app or site. You must do this in order for the app or site to work on those other devices!