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Cliq is a business collaboration software, built for enhanced workplace productivity and communications. The app is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Cliq is a business collaboration software that allows teams to communicate more effectively through real-time messaging and channels. With Cliq, users can send Direct Messages and create Channels to keep conversations organized by topic. It’s available on Windows, Mac, and mobile devices.

Cliq is a business collaboration software, built for enhanced workplace productivity and communications. Engage in real-time conversations through Direct Messages and Channels, now available on Windows. Works across all major devices!

You’re in the office and you need to talk to your coworker about that project that’s due this week. You don’t want to walk over to her desk when she’s buried in code, so you open Cliq instead. You type out just a few words—something like “Hey, can we talk?” and then hit enter. Within seconds, she has received a notification on her computer, phone, or tablet and can respond right away if she wants. If you’re lucky, she might even be able to reply before you finish your sentence.

It’s the same with groups of people—you don’t have to worry about leaving anyone out of the loop anymore because everyone on the channel gets notified when someone posts anything new. Type out “Let’s grab lunch! I know a great deli around here…” in the Direct Message tab and everyone will see it; type “Does anyone know how to fix this error? We need it

Cliq is a business collaboration software, built for enhanced workplace productivity and communications. Engage in real-time conversations through Direct Messages and Channels, now available on Windows. Cliq’s latest version also includes new features like @mentions, along with an improved user interface and design.