Circumstances 3

When a mysterious hitman stirs up their operation, tension grows among Keyshawn’s crew as they try to survive outside attacks and evade the FBI.
As special agents try to take down Keyshawns criminal organization, tensions among his men grow as they grapple with the constant threat of outside attacks and the desire to run away. Special Agent Wesley, who is currently undercover in Keyshawns criminal organization, finds out that his father (also a special agent) is in danger after someone kills him. This motivates Wesley to work even harder at taking down Keyshawns criminal organization.
Wesley is beginning to question whether or not Keyshawn suspects anything about him being a special agent. After a mysterious hitman stirs up the operation, tension grows among Keyshawns crew as they try to survive outside attacks and evade the FBI.
The feeling of panic and dread is palpable in the air. The crew just found out that the cops are onto them, and now they’re faced with a new fear: a hitman who’s been hired to put them in their place. Things have never been more uncertain for Keyshawn and his men—but there’s one thing they know for certain: even though they may be outnumbered on all sides, they’re not going down without a fight.
The first thing that stood out to me about the movie “Set It Off” is the low budget. Also, the acting seems to be pretty decent, a standard I’ve come to expect from movies made in the 90’s. The cinematography is a tad off at times but not distractingly so.