Bridge Race

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Bridging the gap between the casual and competitive gaming worlds, Bridge Race is a multiplayer game in which players build bridges to connect their side of the map with their opponents’, all while attempting to collect loot scattered randomly throughout the map. It’s a great way to test your strategy and timing, as well as get some exercise. It starts out simple: you click on the bridge block you want to build, and it appears where you clicked, with additional blocks on top of it.

You can’t put blocks in the water, so your first goal is to connect your side of the river to land—and if there are any loot crates in the water, they’ll be yours once you’ve made that connection. Once you’ve established that foothold, your goal is to make it over to your opponent’s side and take as much loot home with you as possible. Building bridges may sound easy at first, but there are some obstacles that could throw a wrench in your plans:

If your opponent chooses this block:

-They break through your bridge

If this happens, you have three options:

-Try again! You can build bridges pretty quickly

-Wait for an engineer who can repair it

-Reach into a loot crate and spend some coins on some

You’ll never believe me when I tell you that the most fun you can have with a smartphone is on an app called Bridges!

If you haven’t heard of it, there is a Bridge-building game on your phone called Bridges. It’s downloaded on about 250 million phones, and it’s great!