Blending Board

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The Blending Board App is a great tool for anyone learning the basics of blending
sounds and multisyllabic words. The app offers interactive activities designed to help users learn
how to blend phonemes, decode words, and build their reading fluency skills. It also includes
instructional videos with tips on blending strategies as well as a progress tracker so users can
monitor their own progress.

The app presents a series of multisyllabic word cards and users must blend the sounds together to read                                                                                                                                                                                                        the word aloud. The app features an intuitive user interface, allowing users to easily navigate through each level as they
progress in their phonemic awareness and blending skills. As users complete levels, new challenges
are unlocked with more complex words, helping them develop their ability to quickly recognize and
blend multiple syllables together. Additionally, Blending Board App provides detailed feedback on
each attempt so that users can understand where they may have gone wrong or what areas require
additional practice.