Billion Dollar Space Race: Bezos vs Musk vs Branson

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The race for space tourism, which began in earnest in 2001 with the founding of Space Adventures, has become a feverish contest among three of the world’s richest businessmen. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk all have their eyes set on the stars. And while the three are entering different ventures—space tourism for Bezos and Branson, colonization for Musk—their missions are equally ambitious and will inevitably overlap.

The film traces how these three men came to be at the vanguard of this new space race and explores how they plan to make it big in what could prove to be one of the most lucrative industries yet devised by man. Despite their disparate backgrounds and motivations, they are united by a similar dream: to explore the final frontier.

Billionaire tech entrepreneurs Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson are all about to enter the space race for real. The three billionaires have plans to colonize space, and they’re not alone. Google co-founder Larry Page has also invested in a space-exploration project, as has Virgin Galactic mogul Sir Richard Branson.

While the stated purpose of these ventures is to make space travel more accessible, many observers are pointing out that with money this big on the line, the companies will likely want to find ways to generate revenue in their own right. This could mean charging passengers or other private entities for trips into space or perhaps even mining resources present in space and selling them – whatever offers the most return on investment.