Battle for Wesnoth

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Battle For Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your tough fighters and upgrade them to veterans with better skills, weapons or spells.

The Battle for Wesnoth has many different play modes:

“Campaigns” are a series of linked scenarios. The first campaign, “Under the Burning Suns”, pits you against the forces of Rathelmor , a powerful Lich king who seeks to conquer the entire realm. Play it from the perspective of either the Humans or the Elves .

“Free scenarios” are single scenarios which are not linked together in any way. Play them from both sides to get a more complete picture of what is happening. Free scenarios are usually more difficult than campaigns, since they assume that you already have access to all units and buildings, and instead focus on your skill as a player. Some free scenarios have special rules that prevent you from building up your forces over time (like “no unit recruitment”). Note that some campaigns also include one or more free scenarios as an appetizer at the beginning of the campaign (the “Tutorial” in “Under the Burning Suns”, for instance).

In a friendly tone: In Battle for Wesnoth , you’ll have many opportunities to recall your “tough” units. It’s a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. You build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. Once you do, you can use them in later battles—but if they fall in battle, that’s it for that character, at least until the next time you build up your forces.