Basket Battle

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Basket Battle is a game for two players. Hit the opponent to stop him/her from throwing the ball into the basket. Take the ball from above the basket and throw into it. Throw all the balls into the basket before the opponent does.

Basketball is really a team game, but you have to play by yourself. This is because you need to play offense and defense. To win the game, you must get the ball into the basket and keep it from getting into the other player’s basket. When you are on offense, you need to throw the ball into the basket from above; and when you are on defense, you need to stop your opponent from shooting.

Basket Battle is a simple game of throwing the ball into the basket. It’s a turn-based game, where you have to wait for your turn after your opponent makes a move. You can throw the ball in any direction, but it will bounce off the walls and come back to you, so be careful not to hit yourself.

There are several obstacles that make it harder to throw the ball in:

The higher you throw the ball, the more points you get if you’re successful

If you hit “Throw”, and then click on an empty area on the screen while the ball is moving, it will speed up and make it easier to hit something or someone

If you click on an opponent, they will be knocked away and it will be easier to throw in. The player who has been hit twice loses