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A woman, searching for her sister who disappeared, awakens on a remote island and uses her combat skills to help survivors resist sinister forces.

A woman awakens on a remote island with no memory of how she got there. She finds herself surrounded by other people who have also mysteriously appeared, including a soldier named Grey who has been charged with keeping her alive. But when a strange man suddenly kidnaps her, it becomes clear that this nightmare is just beginning. As the only one who remembers what has happened to them, the woman decides to trust Grey and work with him to survive the horrors of their new reality.

Her sister’s disappearance drove her to seek out enlightenment through years of meditation. Her combat training and physical prowess allow her to fight off attackers, but she will need more than those if she is going to confront the sinister forces behind this disturbing situation. She’ll need help, she’ll need luck—and if all else fails, she’ll need to put down the gun that has appeared in her hand and pick up another weapon entirely: magic.

Awaken is a sci-fi action game about a woman who wakes up on an isolated island with no memory. She sets out to find her sister, but her journey leads her to discover that something sinister is going on in the area. Along the way, she’ll use her combat skills and special abilities to fight on the side of the survivors and help them resist the sinister forces at work in this world.