ATROX is a strategy title of Korean descent, widespread and popular in its home turf, with a surprisingly small amount of coverage in English speaking territories. To be fair, this isn’t all that surprising, given the quality of localisation for some big budget titles and the overall dominance of MOBAs in the western gaming scene.
‘Atrox’ means ‘gladiator’ in Latin and the game’s Roman theme is clear from the get-go. Although it’s not really a MOBA (the game calls itself an ‘action real time strategy’, whatever that means), it has many similar qualities: two teams fight to destroy each other’s base, with a linear progression through various stages as players level up their characters. The first thing that will strike you about Atrox is how far along it already is – there are three character options available right now, with another on its way in December. The full roster will feature nine playable gladiators at launch, alongside three non-playable ones.
While Atrox definitely puts the emphasis on action over strategy, there are still ways to make use of your wits. There’s no automated shopkeeper or mana regeneration like in LoL or HotS; instead, you can use money earned during matches to buy
Atrox is a strategy title of Korean descent, widespread and popular in its home turf, with a surprisingly small amount of coverage in English speaking territories. To be fair, this isn’t all that surprising due to the fact that it only just recently released worldwide on Steam, while also being more popular in Japan than it is at home (as was the case with Rising Thunder). Atrox is a game that can be likened to chess, but with monsters and spells instead of pawns and rooks.