Ape Chat

Welcome to the Ape Apps chat server! Here, you can chat with your fellow Ape Apps players and access the in-game chat channels, such as My Colony federation or commonwealth chats. In order to use the server, all you have to do is click on this link: join.apeapps.com. The server is free and easy to use!
Ape Chat is the official chat server for all of our games, such as My Colony and Ape Apps. It lets you chat with your friends while you play, so that you can stay connected even when you’re playing on different servers. You can also access your in-game chats, like your federation or commonwealth chats, through it so that you can keep up to date with everything that’s happening.
Ape Chat is the chat server of Ape Apps. It is a basic chat server that offers buddy lists, channels, and the ability to send text messages to others on the network. It is the ideal place to find your friends if you are playing one of our games, or to meet other gamers with similar interests.
You can use the Ape Apps chat server to talk to your friends. It’s also how you join chat channels, like My Colony or Commonwealth. The Ape Apps are:
Ape Apps, which includes Ape Chat, provides a chat server for all users. With Ape Apps, you can chat with your friends from within any game that you play using an Ape Games account. This can be accomplished by accessing it from the following link: http://apeapps.com/