The Age of Empires 2: Von Kimbern und Teutonen video game is a 2001 title published by Computec Media AG. The game is a sequel to the real-time strategy game, The Age of Empires, which was released in 1997.
The Age of Empires 2 expansion pack, Von Kimbern und Teutonen, is the sequel to the Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings expansion pack, which was released in 1999. Von Kimbern und Teutonen adds an additional 20 campaigns (one per nation), as well as 8 new units (2 per nation, plus 2 generic units).
The Age of Empires series is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) franchise developed by Ensemble Studios, a Microsoft subsidiary. The first game in the series was released in 1997, and it was a huge success. Ensemble Studios was able to further develop their franchise by releasing three more games in the series, two for the PC and one for the Mac.
In a nutshell: Age of Empires 2 is a real-time strategy game where you control a group of European knights during the Middle Ages. You build various structures such as forts, siege equipment, and cavalry units in order to defeat your enemies and protect your kingdom.
It’s not often that you come across a sequel that improves upon its predecessor, but that is exactly what has happened with Age of Empires 2: Von Kimbern und Teutonen. Both games were developed by the same company, but unlike the first game in the series, which was based on the popular Age of Empires mod for the original Warcraft III game, Age of Empires 2 is a completely original
Age of Empires 2 is a real-time strategy game that was released in 2001 by Ensemble Studios. Players take control of one of over 100 different civilizations, each with their own unique abilities, and try to conquer the entire world.
When I heard that Age of Empires 2 was released I was very excited. I mean who wouldn’t be excited about a sequel to one of the best games of all times? Well, after several delays and a price increase I pre-ordered the game and eagerly awaited its arrival. After several hours of playing the game I had to admit that while Age of Empires 2 was very similar to the original it