Above Top Secret: The Technology Behind Disclosure

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Dr. Steven Greer’s new film, Above Top Secret, is a documentary about the secret technology that has been withheld from us for years—technology that could solve a lot of our problems. The film also reveals the motivations behind why we haven’t been told about this technology.

The film is divided into two parts: the first part deals with the conspiracy and how it works; the second part deals with the technology and how it works. The conspiracy portion of the film discusses issues like suppressed technologies, UFOs, and a secret agreement between several countries that was signed in 1954. It seems that, at the time of signing this agreement, the countries involved were given the opportunity to continue their development of certain technologies. However, they were told to keep these things silent from their citizens and to never share them with anybody else—even if others asked for them.

Individuals who have decided not to abide by this agreement have dealt with extreme consequences: many have claimed that they’ve been targeted by harassment campaigns or even death threats. This was particularly true back when Dr. Greer was filming his first documentary about UFOs in 1994; however, even today he claims to still be harassed by those trying to keep this information secret from us.

It’s now up to us to decide

There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there about UFOs and alien life, but in this documentary, Dr. Steven Greer reveals the secret technology behind disclosure. The film introduces viewers to Greer’s Disclosure Project, which is an effort to disclose information about extraterrestrial life and UFOs.