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The original A-10 Tank Killer sim was released by Dynamix in 1989, and it was a huge hit. The game is a low-budget flight sim that focuses on the real life A-10 ground attack aircraft. It is a simple game with no fancy extras like realistic damage or sophisticated planes, but it does what it does well: let you fly around in an A-10 Warthog and blow stuff up from the ground. The game has a certain appeal to fans of the Red Baron series, but perhaps even more so because of its low budget charm. This new version, released five years after the original, adds three new missions to the original ten and includes some updated graphics and sound effects.

In this game you basically just fly around in a helicopter shooting tanks and other vehicles. To aid you in your task there are machine gun missiles and bombs that can be dropped on enemy vehicles as well as laser guided missiles. In addition to these weapons there are also fuel dumps that can be destroyed in order to prevent your enemies from refueling. Missions come in several different types including convoy escort, air defense, base attack, search and destroy as well as general destruction of the enemy forces.

The controls are simple but the missions can become quite challenging. For example

While Red Baron was the first flight simulator game to be published by Dynamix, a team at Dynamix had been working on flight sim games for several years previously. One of these was A-10 Tank Killer, which was released on the Amiga and the C64 in 1989. While Tank Killer doesn’t have the same level of graphics or sound found in other Dynamix flight sims such as Red Baron, it does have a lot of redeeming features.